
Muhlenbergia rigens

Muhlenbergia rigens

Deer Grass is one of the most impressive of the native bunchgrasses. Established plants are large, and sometimes flowering stalks reach well over five feet. It is dramatic as a specimen and stunning when planted in a large drift. Be sure to give plants enough...
Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa

Deschampsia cespitosa ssp. cespitosa

Tufted Hairgrass is native to the cool, coastal bluffs, and as such performs best in gardens with a little extra water. In inland gardens, it will also appreciate some shade. The foliage is a vibrant dark green, and typically forms clumps about a foot tall...
Festuca californica

Festuca californica

Festuca californica is native to brushy or wooded slopes, particularly those with a north-facing exposure. Established wild stands are a beautiful sight to behold; a billowing blanket enveloping the understory of a mixed forest. It is believed...