Our native plant nursery is located in Novato, Marin County. Unlike a regular nursery that sells a variety of plants, a native plant nursery focuses on plants that are indigenous to a particular region. Home Ground Habitats sells native plants and habitat plants to local residents and we donate more plants than we sell.

Our donations go to local community projects and schools. This helps to educate people about the importance of native plants and to get more native plants into the ground.

Shopping at a plant nursery selling plants naturally found in our area helps the environment:

  • Provide food and homes for bees, butterflies, and other wild animals.
  • Help prevent soil erosion from rain and wind.
  • Clean the air and water we breathe and drink.

Want to visit Home Ground? Our nursery and garden is located in Indian Valley in Novato and we are open on Wednesday afternoon and by appointment. Contact us at 707-787-4183 for more details.